2 Mistakes To Avoid While Brushing Your Teeth
Since you know the importance of taking care of your teeth, you probably brush your teeth several times a day to keep them clean and healthy. However, if you are making any of the below mistakes, you may not be doing as good of a job as you think.
1. Starting at the Same Spot Every Time
Every time you brush your teeth, you may be in the habit of starting in the same place every single time. You may start at the front of your mouth, or you may usually head to either side of the back. While you may believe that performing the same brushing routine helps you keep track of where you have brushed, however, you may be neglecting other parts of your teeth.
When you start at the same spot, you tend to focus a lot of your time on that area. However, as you proceed with brushing the rest of your mouth, you may rush through the back or the other side, neglecting to give the area a thorough brushing. As a result, the areas you brush last may not be as clean as you believe.
Instead of always starting in the same spot, try to mix it up a few times a week. If you usually start on the left side of your mouth, brush the right side first from time to time. Or, if you typically concentrate your initial efforts on the front teeth, start in the back. Doing this ensures that all of your teeth receive the proper attention.
2. Rinsing Your Mouth with Water
While growing up, you may have been taught to rinse your mouth with water after brushing your teeth. This may seem as though it makes sense, as you feel as though you should always rinse away any soaps or cleaners, especially in your mouth.
However, if you rinse your mouth with water, the fluoride that is meant to keep your teeth healthy is washed away. Usually, it needs to remain in contact with your teeth for more time that it takes to brush them to truly be effective.
Instead, you can do one of two things. First, you can simply spit out the excess toothpaste and allow the residue to keep working.
Second, if you cannot bear the thought of leaving toothpaste in your mouth, you can rinse your mouth with a mouthwash containing fluoride. Since the mouthwash will not neutralize the fluoride as water does, you will still have the full effect of the toothpaste with the added fluoride in the mouthwash.
Avoiding the above mistakes can help you feel confident that you are brushing your teeth properly. If you have any further questions about how to correctly care for your teeth, bring them up at your next appointment at the dentist office.