Understanding An Exposed Dental Root Issue

If your gums are receding a small amount and more of your tooth roots are exposed than they should be, then this can cause some issues with your overall oral health. Keep reading to learn why this is problematic and also about what your dentist may do to address the issue.

Exposed Root Problems

Your teeth are quite long and extend far underneath your gum line. And, the parts of the teeth that are usually covered by the gum tissues are far more sensitive than the crowns of your teeth. This is due to the fact that the roots are covered in cementum and not a layer of enamel. Enamel is the hard outer coating of teeth that helps to prevent decay, acidic erosions, and sensitivity from hot and cold foods. So, not only will you notice an increased sensitivity across the teeth, but you may develop some cavities within the tooth roots.

Also, if the tooth roots are exposed, then this means that there is a thinner layer of gum tissue between the teeth and the jawbone. Bacteria and acids can then find their way to the bone and cause bone-loss problems. If the exposure becomes serious enough, and if bone loss is severe, then you may even end up with loose teeth that may need to be removed and replaced by implant devices.

How Is The Problem Addressed?

If your dentist notices that the dental roots are exposed, then he or she may start you on fluoride treatments to keep the roots as healthy as possible. You also may need to follow a fairly strict oral care routine to ensure that the bacteria are kept in check to the point that the microorganisms are unable to cause jawbone degradation.

Gum pockets around the teeth are also explored and measured to see how deep they extend. Since the pockets create a direct pathway to the jaw, they may be cleaned out thoroughly so the gums adhered better to the teeth and offer more protection.

If the gums are recessed too much, then a gum graft procedure may be scheduled as well. If the recession is something that the professional wants to watch for a period of time, then desensitizing treatments may be completed so the dental roots are far less sensitive to hot, cold, and pressure.

If you want to know more about the types of things that your dentist will do to help treat a tooth root exposure issue, speak with the professional about the problem. Talk with a dentist about the dental services you need. 
